Shounen Stories
The target audience of this genre is male. The content of these manga often involves fighting and/or violence (at a normal level, not excessive).
Genre of the story
  • Haikyu!!
    10 months ago

    Status: OnGoing

    Views: 34,525

    Subscriber: 6

    The whistle blows. The ball is up. A dig. A set. A spike. Volleyball. A sport where two teams face off, separated by a formidable, wall-like net. Volleyball. A sport where two teams face off, separat...
  • Shadow Eliminators
    10 months ago
    Shadow Eliminators

    Status: OnGoing

    Views: 4,361

    Subscriber: 2

    Kasane are spirits who latch onto the shadows of people's hearts. But as long as Yayoi and Aoba are around, evil spirits won't be hurting any students at the school! Beautiful art and occult action! T...