Risou no Himo Seikatsu
Authors: Watanabe Tsunehiko
Status: OnGoing
Read manga "Risou no Himo Seikatsu" latest chapter on Shueisha TV. Summoned by a beautiful woman to a different world, Yamai Zenjirou is asked to marry her and make a child with her. Will he throw his life on earth away for a sponger life with a beautiful woman? One day, average salaryman Yamai Zenjirou has an out-of-this-world experience—literally! He’s pulled from Earth and dragged to another world where magic thrives and a gorgeous, powerful queen needs a consort. Now he’s being pressured to marry that very monarch and help her bear a child. Will Zenjirou accept this life of lazy, luxurious love at the cost of leaving his home behind?
Age Warning: The comic Risou no Himo Seikatsu may contain sensitive content and images that are not suitable for your age group. If you are under the age of 17, please choose a different story for entertainment. We will not be responsible for any related issues if you disregard this warning.